Art & Ecology Exhibition
12/14/2017 - 12/31/2017
All Day
Interventions: Students Respond to the Environment
Art & Ecology
Come see some of the freshest (and greenest) artwork around. Since August, high school students from all over central Ohio have been exploring art and environmental issues as part of the center’s annual Art & Ecology class. The Interventions exhibition is the students’ chance to present the projects they’ve created to family, friends, and the general public. The show is always full of surprising and intriguing artworks that are as varied and timely as the topics featured in the course. Celebrate with the artists at a reception in the Performance Space on December 14 (5:30–7:30 pm); the exhibition remains on view during gallery hours through December 31.
For more information about future Art & Ecology courses, email or call (614) 292-6493. The next course takes place in fall 2018 with student applications due on May 1.
Art & Ecology is presented with major support from American Electric Power.